Unplugged Ceremonies
No, The Bride Doesn’t Want Your IPhone X-Quality Photo Of Half The Groom’s Leg and Half The Guy In Front Of You’s Bald Head
Photo by The Big and Bright
In today’s world, we are all professional photographers. Thanks to portrait mode and maybe even that fancy camera you bought for your trip to Iceland last year, we’re convinced our shot is the best. Which is why it only makes sense to want to capture every angle of the ceremony for the bride, who will almost certainly want to see what the back of the grooms left leg and top of the guy in front of you’s head looked like. Having been to enough weddings and seen guests basically jump into the aisle or trample the flower girl just to get a good photo, I knew I didn’t want that. Add in the fact that you’re paying a true professional to capture these special moments, only to see hundreds of phones in the background or possibly even blocking the real shot.
Photo by Rawn and Pallow
Unplugged ceremonies are becoming more popular now, and are something I think every bride should consider. Have a sign posted up, or have your officiant make a statement before the ceremony begins. No, it won’t stop everyone from still taking photos, but it will discourage enough people to allow your PAID PROFESSIONAL to get the shots, undisrupted.
Photo from A Practical Wedding