To Bustle Or Not To Bustle

Who Even Knew That Was A Question?


As you can see here, I chose to keep my train free flowing. TBH, the way it bustled made it look like I was pooping out tulle…not a cute look. I figured I only get to wear the dress for one night, you best believe it’s going to look its absolute best! So I snubbed the bustle suggestion and went on my merry way.

Cut to 10 minutes into the reception and I realize I made a very rash decision re:bustle. Note to all brides: tulle acts as a black ice type of material on a dance floor…you’re can’t see it, and the moment you step on it, it’s game over. I stood by and watched guiltily as one guest after another twirled, faltered and crashed like it was the drunk icecapades. OOPS.

If you don’t particularly care about the well being of your friends/family, or your train turning black with dirt, join me in the no bustle movement.

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