Flip Flop So The Party Won't Stop

And So Your Drunk Self Won’t Drop

Heels are great for two things: making your 7th grade boyfriend feel inadequately short at the school dance, and giving the illusion of toned legs without actually having to attend a Pilates class. I can almost guarantee that the inventor of stilettos did not ever dance. For everyone out there who takes pride in being the first one at a wedding (or drunk at a Pita Pit at 3am) to take off their heels and go barefoot, this message is for you.


I was and still am the first one to find my table at a wedding, plop my shoes under a chair, and hit the dance floor with bare soles. I can therefore relate to the pain and embarrassment of slipping and sliding as the floor becomes more saturated with spilled drinks. Too often have I ended up with my foot in the bathroom sink, trying to pick out the shards from dropped glass. Not cute, and certainly not fun.

So what are our options, as dancing-enthusiasts with an aversion to tight, cramped, delicate heels?

I present to you: reception flip flops. Order the $1 pairs from Old Navy, or use a reception flip flop site to get them in bulk. We ordered a variety of sizes and put them in a basket next to the dance floor with a sign that said “a little treat for your dancing feet.” I would suggest ordering more than you think you’d need, since they are a party favorite. Not only did the girls and older aunts/grandmas put them to use, but guys found them valuable as well! Apparently tux shoes are “just as uncomfortable as heels”….okay, sure. Clearly this is why women are responsible for child birth.

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