Exercise? I Thought You Said Extra Fries! My Workout Routine For The Big Day

Getting in shape or getting healthier means different things for everyone. To me, it was important that I look and feel my absolute best. I’ve always been an avid workout junkie and pretty healthy, so my focus was geared towards creating long, lean muscle definition.

Classpass is everything!! I used to be a runner and got bored of the monotonous treadmill, so I turned to workout classes. After getting into a rut with the same workouts, though, I found myself plateauing. Classpass is my absolute favorite, because it lets me try out different exercises and target new muscles in each one.

Below’s a side by side of me after getting engaged (about a year before the wedding, where I was working out 4 x a week and eating healthy but also indulging on nightly glasses of wine, bags of candy, boards of cheese, you name it)….and me a week before the wedding (working out 6x a week and sticking to a stricter diet, which you can read about here).


Sample Workout Routine For The Week:

Monday: Core 704 (pilates class)

Tuesday: Morning workout with a trainer doing a mix of strength and cardio OR Flywheel (cycle class)

Wednesday: Flybarre OR Hilliard Studio Method (barre classes)

Thursday: HIIT strength and cardio class here in CLT called “West Kept Secret”

Friday: Break/Stretch

Saturday: Hot yoga OR Something active like a hike or long walk outside

Sunday: Gym (30 mins stair master or 20 mins HIIT running and then some ab or arm exercises I’d get from Kayla Itsines)


For me, doing a mix of high intensity cardio, strength training, and toning classes helped me shed a few pounds and create the long, lean muscles I was looking for. Doing 6 classes a week is EXCESSIVE, and something I only did the last 2 months leading up to the wedding. Before that, I would do 4 classes a week, which was my normal routine even before getting engaged. If you’re not used to working out, I highly recommend starting slow and finding what works for you. There is no need to be in the gym for 3 hours a day….I personally would rather do 30-45 minute sessions that have a mix of cardio and strength!  Get in, get out! Also, find a buddy! Having someone to hold you accountable and buy unnecessary workout clothes with before your class starts makes it way more fun.

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