Airbrushed Makeup: Like Insta Filters But IRL

Anyone else get nervous when a guy hugs you and smooshes your sweaty face into his crisp white shirt? No, just me? Cool. Well for fear of makeup transfer, may I suggest airbrushed makeup?

This was a new concept to me, and one I was skeptical of. I’m not one of those girls who asks for light, barely-there foundation. I like it thick and covering every blemish, wrinkle, dark spot, etc. I decided to give it a shot, in part because I was interested, but mostly because it was the only hair/makeup company I could find in Hilton Head with great wedding reviews.

The process itself feels like you’re being misted with an odorless cool air. As I was sitting with my eyes closed, following instructions to just breathe normally, I began internally rolling my eyes in anticipation of a too-natural type of makeover. So when I saw that mirror for the first time, I was truly in shock. Somehow, this weightless spray created a perfectly blended, full-coverage face with contouring, blush, and highlight. I basically looked like a filtered, smoothed-out version of my former self and I was instantly in love.


The best part of the airbrushed makeup is that it truly lasts ALL DAY/NIGHT. Through the 85 degree weather, hours of dancing, and hundreds of crisp white shirts I rubbed up against, my face remained flawlessly in tact. I’d highly recommend airbrushed makeup for you and your bridesmaids if possible…you won’t be sorry!

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