Videographer: Save or Splurge?

Ask past brides what one thing is they wish they had done differently, and you’ll likely get this answer: “Gotten A Videographer!”

Ok, you’re building out your budget and realizing that anything with the word “wedding” in front of it is about to cost 5x more than it should. Flowers, cake, food, alcohol, tables, you name it. Somehow, your idea of keeping the budget realistic seems like an impossible task. And it’s hard to know where to compromise—every vendor and detail is a part of your vision; each competing to be at the top of your priorities list.

Somehow, in this mental game of Russian Roulette, it’s the videographer that tends to be eliminated first. You justify it with the fact that you’re paying top dollar to have an amazing photographer, and photos are pretty much the same thing as a video anyway, right?


I can tell you first hand that in no picture do you hear my rendition of “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” as I stormed the stage, took the mic from the band, and proceeded to put on my own concert. In no picture do you hear my dad’s almost incoherent words (sobs) as he sees me for the first time in my dress. In no picture do you hear the speeches from loved ones as they reveal embarrassing stories of you as a child and toast to how they know you and your spouse are a perfect match. In no picture do you catch your grandpa taking a shot of fireball with his grandson when he thinks nobody is looking.

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Yes, photos are amazing, and they freeze perfect moments. But in between those smiles and poses are thousands of actions, expressions and details that only a video can capture. The music, toasts, and every moment from the very beginning of the day to the very end are all ones that you’ll want to replay for years to come. The video keeps this day alive so you can not just see the events in a frozen image, but you can relive the emotions, which are the best part.

So trust me, splurge on the videographer, and maybe save on the table linens or another detail that nobody will even notice. You won’t regret it!

Lexi Masur1 Comment