Gifting the Newly Engaged: What She Really Wants

Have a friend who’s recently engaged? Not sure what to get her? Let me tell you, do not look on Google, because about 80000 other people are doing the same thing, and she’s about to get 500 ring dishes and planning books.

Miss to Mrs Boxes are my go-to engagement gift. They’ve proven successful for my friends living in a different state, who I’m forced to congratulate via FaceTime and feel extreme guilt for not being able to celebrate in person. They’re also perfect for that co-worker you’re close enough with to send a gift, but like, not close enough to know what to get them. The subscription box is filled with useful gifts for literally ANY bride, making it my secret weapon of gift-giving. Everything from planning tools (think: timeline books) to beauty and spa products (think: plush robe and organic face mask) to keep them organized and stress free (a difficult task).

We treat our pets to Bark Boxes, why not treat our brides to a monthly deliverable? It’s pretty much the same thing: Keep the b*tch at bay with treats, toys and tools to ensure they’re well rested, fed, groomed and nurtured. Did I just compare brides to dogs? Yes, I did. I stand by that comparison.

*Click here for more details*

Other personal faves include:

An insta-worthy mug


Because what newly engaged girl DOESN’T want a cute “engaged AF” pic she can post to insta and not-so-casually show off her bling with?

THIS Ring Cleaner


True confession here: I went a solid 3 weeks after getting engaged without washing my left ring finger. Don’t worry…I washed all other 9 digits; just couldn’t bring myself to let that perfectly shiny ring touch anything that would make it less sparkly. Can’t say I was in a sane headspace at that time.

Since then, I’ve found a solution. Let me preface this by saying I have and love the blue dazzle stick (I swear, people defend that thing like it’s their child). Having tried everything from that to the $5 red jar from Target to the $200 time machine-looking one they use at diamond stores, I can say with confidence this one is my fave. It’s non toxic and gets all the dirt, oil and grime off the ring (diamond, band and all). Because we want that sparkle we saw the first time he put it on our finger, and life seems to get in the way of that. Well, not today, Satan.

I’m now a happy hand washer (all 10 fingers included) and wish the same happiness on the rest of the newly engaged population. Do a public service and get her washing her hands again. Buy her the damn ring cleaner.

A Countdown Chalkboard


We had so much fun writing “365” on our year countdown….and then forgot about it until the 100 day countdown…and then again until the 10 day countdown. BUT, it was still a great thing to have hanging on our wall and when we DID remember to change it, we would get super excited. This was a fun gift I received that I’ve since bought other brides.

Lexi MasurComment